About Mindful Musicians
Mindful Musicians is an 8-week programmatic experience that promotes the foundational pillars of musical competence that reach into the realms of verbal, physical, & cognitive development, while simultaneously implanting core beliefs that support positive brain health & coping skills for times of future distress. Stemming from the idea that a positive development of self love is the answer to a successful life, we are proudly committed to sharing our vision.
Each 8 week session includes one 45 min class/week, access to digital music, and a canvas tote bag. Each class is to be attended with a caregiver (18+).
$85 additional sibling
If you would like to support one family's full tuition, you may do so on the donations page. Thank you for being part of the solution
You are allowed 1 makeup class/session. Please emailcallie.centrallyrooted@gmail.com to confirm your makeup.
Upon arrival:
Please remove footwear and stow personal belongings in the provided cubbies.
This is a floor seated class, but please communicate your needs should you need a chair.
The more you engage in the class, the more your child will get out of the class.
This is an opportunity to be fully present to let yourself play with your child, forget about stress, and engage in the playfulness of the experience.
Turn cell phones to silent mode, or better yet, leave them in the cubbies!
No food or drink in the studio space. If you have water and need a drink, please excuse yourself to your cubby to refresh.
No photography of any child other than your own. Be mindful of the privacy of others (even in the background of photos).
Bridging To Home
In an effort to solidify these concepts that promote positive brain health, please sing at home often!
Use the songs/chants/recordings/games from our classes and incorporate them at home.
If you can think of your child as a sponge, often times they are busy soaking up the information within the experience.
With some encouragement, you may start to see the squeezing out of the sponge at home, where they are more comfortable.
Commonly Asked Questions
Is my child too young?
Kids begin hearing in utero. At 4 months gestation, they have the capability to gain benefit from rhythm. After birth, they mature with rhythm alongside their development. This translates into nonmusical tasks such as speech sequencing, walking, coordination, and even reading. The benefits of music have been proven effective even in NICU babies, so no! Your child is not too young to join!
Do I have to be a musician?
Nope. Music making is for every single person. You need not have any musical background to gain full value out of these courses.
Can my child do this without me?
Only if you’re sending them with a different caregiver over the age of 18. Each child under the age of 7 must be accompanied by an adult. The caregivers get the responsibility of redirecting any behaviors during class, while the teacher has the responsibility of maintaining the flow.