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Welcome to Centrally Rooted

An interactive growth space that supports the development of positive brain health in

creative ways. 

Exploration Lab Sponsor

Exploration Lab Sponsor Website (6).png


Our center offers multiple tiers of opportunities, catering to a wide range of age groups & interests.

Private Lessons

Weekly music lessons with opportunities for performance in the areas of voice, piano, guitar, ukulele, saxophone, flute, percussion, bass, trumpet and clarinet.


Mindful Musicians

8-week interactive parent/child classes with a focus on development of musical competence, confidence, and self-worth.

Music Therapy

1:1 and group sessions led by a board certified music therapist, catering to a large range of need areas.

music therapy website.heic
Art Class

Additional Classes and Events

One time workshops for children and adults.  Topics include:  Yoga, Art, Dance, and Drama.

Want to buy a gift certificate? Right here!

  • 1 month of lessons
    (30 or 60 min lessons)

  • 1 session of Mindful Musicians
    (One 8 week session)

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